Latest version: 4.3.x

Monitor & alerts

Monitor your Streaming Data platform and route alert notifications for your Apache Kafka infrastructure and real-time applications (consumer & producer SLAs) as well as audit logs.

Apache Kafka monitoring alerts

Lenses continuously monitors:

All is available both in the user interface, as well as through APIs for integration. They can also be used to triggers alert events when a rule is associated.

Alert integrations

To set-up a new integration for notifications and alerts, you can quickly add a connection to:







API Webhook

Microsoft Teams

To securely integrate with other services such as: ServiceNow, JIRA, Tivoli you can use Webhooks

Kafka infrastructure monitoring

Lenses does Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for the entire eco-system of a Streaming Data Platform, including Apache Kafka Brokers, Zookeepers, Schema Registries and Kafka Connect clusters. For in-depth monitoring, you have to enable JMX metrics to be exposed from the services. Learn more about Kafka infrastructure monitoring

Grafana & Prometheus

Lenses integrates with Grafana and Prometheus for historical metrics. We provide the JMX exporters that you need to produce the out-of-the-box Grafana templates provided by Lenses.

Enable JMX metrics

Enable JMX or Jolokia